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- Support Q&A is a community-driven question-and-answer (Q&A) site that allows users to both submit questions to be answered and answer questions asked by other users. The site gives members the chance to earn points as a way to encourage participation.
Ask a question that matters to you, so that other people can give you answers. When asking a question, you categorize it in a topic, making it easier for others to find and answer it. Once your question is answered, select the best answer, or have the community vote for the best answer.
Have an answer to a question? Help other users out and earn points while doing so. Use the category list on the right side of each page to find open questions related to the topic you know about. You can also use the search box on the top of each page to find questions and answers related to specific words and phrases. Your answer may be chosen as the best one, earning you extra points and prestige.
Daily participation |
5 |
Voting participation |
5 |
'Thumb up' votes received |
10 |
Asking questions |
1 |
Answering questions |
10 |
Answer voted as best answer |
25 |
Begin participating on system |
50 |
You are also able to earn badges based on your activity on the site. Some badges are automatic and you will receive them once you reach certain point levels, other badges are awarded by the site to you based on specific criteria. Below is a list of the badges available and a description of how you can achieve them.
Only questions that do not violate the community guidelines are allowed on Q&A.
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